Frequently Asked Questions.
What if I’m not trying to exit my business? Can you still help me grow?
Yes. Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now. Our owner clients are empowered to accelerate value and execute thoughtful, planned, high-value transitions, but the same tenets that drive success in business transitions are the same tenets that drive business growth, business profitability, and increased control in the life of an owner. It’s a beautiful synergy.
Do you have any geographic limitations?
Planes and video conferencing are wonderful things! Currently, we can work with companies within the United States, US Owned Territories, and Canada.
I’ve paid consultants many times before. How are you any different?
We called ourselves advisors and not consultants because we are owner-centric. Whereas most consultants serve the business in an area of expertise (for example, using automation to maximize profit margins), the owner/ownership are our clients - meaning everything we do is oriented to their unique personal, business, and financial values framework. Why does an owner want to maximize profits? What might they need to trade for maximized profit margins, and does it reflect who they want to be as a company? Why is money important to them on a personal level? What about their business makes them feel uniquely valuable to the world? How might investing time in profit margins/scaling impact owner dependency on the business, their financial stability outside of the business, their quality of life outside of the business, and the enterprise value of the business? These are some example queries our team would have of an owner interested in help increasing profit margins. There is no such thing as a standard case when it comes to people. Owners are people, and our job is to first understand their value systems so that our expertise can be applied in a framework that is meaningful to them at all levels. The business just happens to be a part of that equation.
Will you broker the sale of my business?
Not directly. We have a closely held roster of M&A professionals that we work with to ensure the transition plans are executed cohesively at every level of the transition. As value growth advisors and exit planners, we quarterback the multidisciplinary team that works together to execute every part of the plan. We have these advisors in our orbits, but are able to work with advisors you already have in place as well.