The American Bison symbolizes the spirit of an Entrepreneur.

America is steeped in the rich history of the Bison, one of the most revered animals on our landscape. One of the most fascinating characteristics of the Bison is how they react when a storm is coming. While cows, their close relatives, huddle together and meander from the storm, bison take the storm head on, charging directly into its path as a group. While both species can instinctively sense the change in external environments, the bison takes control - by attacking the challenge, the bison accelerates its path to clearer skies and limits its time spent within the inclement weather. By meandering away from the weather, the cows are inevitably caught by the advancing storm and elongate their time spent in danger and discomfort.

The hard way always becomes the easy way, and the easy way always becomes the hard way. We’re here to charge into the storm with you.